The following is an abridged summary of the rules. For the full ruleset, visit:

1. A player is hit when a BB makes contact with any part of the player including gear, backpacks, pouches, etc.
- BBs that ricochet and then hit the player do not count as a hit.
- BBs that hit the player’s gun do not count as a hit.
- After being hit the player shouts hit and pulls out his dead rag. The player must bring his/her own dead rag, and it must be a bright and easy to see color.
- After being hit, the player cannot give information to other players other than to say: “I’m hit” and/or “I need a medic”.
- Medic rules vary and will be discussed in the safety/game briefing before each game.
2. Blind fire is not allowed: anytime you are shooting while not certain of what your gun is pointing at.
Serious injury can occur if you point your gun over a barricade or around a corner without knowing what is in front of the barrel.
3. Safety kills are a courtesy and can be called on any enemy player within 10 feet of you as long as that enemy player is unaware of your position.
- If both of you are aware of each other and have guns pointing at each other, safety kill does not apply.
- Always be mindful of your M.E.D. (discussed below)
4. A stealth kill is when you are close enough to touch an enemy player without them knowing. It is again a courtesy, but much quieter than a safety kill. Simply tap them on the shoulder and tell them that you’ve stealth killed them.
- If you are stealth killed, you may not call for a medic until the person that killed you is at least 50 feet away from you.
5. Any person leaving bounds, wearing a dead rag, or otherwise indicating they are no longer in play; do not shoot them. If you are at all indicating you are out of play, you cannot re-enter play until you return to your teams re-spawn point.
6. Pyrotechnics, pneumatics, lasers, and other non-airsoft devices are only allowed after field owners permission and game admin permission.
- BB grenade and smoke grenade rules will be discussed during the safety/game briefing before each game.
7. Minimum Engagement Distances (AKA M.E.D.s)
- Unless a player has an AOSC Frequent Player card and has not altered their gun since last they played…
All airsoft guns must shoot through a chronograph and be tagged before entering the play field.
- The following lists the tags and what they mean.
WHITE tag: Can shoot players at any distance (aka 0’ MED)
GREEN tag: Cannot shoot players within 20 feet (aka 20’ MED)
BLUE tag: Cannot shoot players within 50 feet (aka 50’ MED)
RED tag: Cannot shoot players within 100 feet (aka 100’ MED)
- in addition, RED tag guns are restricted to semi-auto ONLY.
- This safety test is based on the weight of the BB you are using (.20g, .25g, .28g, .32g, etc) and the muzzle velocity of the gun, which is registered by the chronograph.
8. Games have two teams:
ALHPA team - Players that wear any camo or clothing that is mostly green.
BRAVO team - Players that wear any camo or clothing that is mostly tan.
- BBs that ricochet and then hit the player do not count as a hit.
- BBs that hit the player’s gun do not count as a hit.
- After being hit the player shouts hit and pulls out his dead rag. The player must bring his/her own dead rag, and it must be a bright and easy to see color.
- After being hit, the player cannot give information to other players other than to say: “I’m hit” and/or “I need a medic”.
- Medic rules vary and will be discussed in the safety/game briefing before each game.
2. Blind fire is not allowed: anytime you are shooting while not certain of what your gun is pointing at.
Serious injury can occur if you point your gun over a barricade or around a corner without knowing what is in front of the barrel.
3. Safety kills are a courtesy and can be called on any enemy player within 10 feet of you as long as that enemy player is unaware of your position.
- If both of you are aware of each other and have guns pointing at each other, safety kill does not apply.
- Always be mindful of your M.E.D. (discussed below)
4. A stealth kill is when you are close enough to touch an enemy player without them knowing. It is again a courtesy, but much quieter than a safety kill. Simply tap them on the shoulder and tell them that you’ve stealth killed them.
- If you are stealth killed, you may not call for a medic until the person that killed you is at least 50 feet away from you.
5. Any person leaving bounds, wearing a dead rag, or otherwise indicating they are no longer in play; do not shoot them. If you are at all indicating you are out of play, you cannot re-enter play until you return to your teams re-spawn point.
6. Pyrotechnics, pneumatics, lasers, and other non-airsoft devices are only allowed after field owners permission and game admin permission.
- BB grenade and smoke grenade rules will be discussed during the safety/game briefing before each game.
7. Minimum Engagement Distances (AKA M.E.D.s)
- Unless a player has an AOSC Frequent Player card and has not altered their gun since last they played…
All airsoft guns must shoot through a chronograph and be tagged before entering the play field.
- The following lists the tags and what they mean.
WHITE tag: Can shoot players at any distance (aka 0’ MED)
GREEN tag: Cannot shoot players within 20 feet (aka 20’ MED)
BLUE tag: Cannot shoot players within 50 feet (aka 50’ MED)
RED tag: Cannot shoot players within 100 feet (aka 100’ MED)
- in addition, RED tag guns are restricted to semi-auto ONLY.
- This safety test is based on the weight of the BB you are using (.20g, .25g, .28g, .32g, etc) and the muzzle velocity of the gun, which is registered by the chronograph.
8. Games have two teams:
ALHPA team - Players that wear any camo or clothing that is mostly green.
BRAVO team - Players that wear any camo or clothing that is mostly tan.
Balancers - Anyone in another color, civilian, black, grey, etc. These players are put on whichever team needs more players in the case of unbalanced teams.
9. It is important that you not mix colors. If you are wearing green pants, you should be wearing a green shirt, etc.
10. Age requirements:
0 - 14 yrs - Parent or guardian must be within sight at all times either playing or non-player.
15 -17 yrs - An adult (age 18+) must be present to claim responsibility for them and sign a waiver, this adult does not have to be a parent/guardian. 18+ - No restrictions
11. Eye protection must be worn by all players, at all times while on the field.
- if under 15, you must have a full facemask.
- if 15-18, you must wear some form of face protection along with eye protection.
- EVERYONE must wear ANSI rated eye protection.
12. Always keep guns pointed in a safe direction, keep the gun on safe, and finger off the trigger until game start.
- Guns in the parking lot must have empty receivers (no magazines inserted).
- When approaching the chronograph station, have your eye pro on and your magazine out until told to load a magazine and shoot through chronograph.
- Keep all handguns holstered in the parking lot.
- load all grenades safely, with eye pro on, and away from other people.
13. All vehicles are to stay off the playing area unless given express permission. If a vehicle is allowed on field, always keep a safe distance away from it when the engine is running.
14. Be safe and have fun! We are a community of airsofters. Our game requires that we have honor and integrity. This also means that we look after each other. If you ever see anyone being unsafe, tell an admin or ref immediatly , or stop the action if necessary.
15. In the event of an emergency, “blind man” is called. This call is passed on until everyone is shouting it. It lets everyone know to stop playing and allows admins and authorized players to respond to the situation. This is effectively a pause button. All actions are on hold until the game on is heard. This includes moving, medicing, shooting, etc.
10. Age requirements:
0 - 14 yrs - Parent or guardian must be within sight at all times either playing or non-player.
15 -17 yrs - An adult (age 18+) must be present to claim responsibility for them and sign a waiver, this adult does not have to be a parent/guardian. 18+ - No restrictions
11. Eye protection must be worn by all players, at all times while on the field.
- if under 15, you must have a full facemask.
- if 15-18, you must wear some form of face protection along with eye protection.
- EVERYONE must wear ANSI rated eye protection.
12. Always keep guns pointed in a safe direction, keep the gun on safe, and finger off the trigger until game start.
- Guns in the parking lot must have empty receivers (no magazines inserted).
- When approaching the chronograph station, have your eye pro on and your magazine out until told to load a magazine and shoot through chronograph.
- Keep all handguns holstered in the parking lot.
- load all grenades safely, with eye pro on, and away from other people.
13. All vehicles are to stay off the playing area unless given express permission. If a vehicle is allowed on field, always keep a safe distance away from it when the engine is running.
14. Be safe and have fun! We are a community of airsofters. Our game requires that we have honor and integrity. This also means that we look after each other. If you ever see anyone being unsafe, tell an admin or ref immediatly , or stop the action if necessary.
15. In the event of an emergency, “blind man” is called. This call is passed on until everyone is shouting it. It lets everyone know to stop playing and allows admins and authorized players to respond to the situation. This is effectively a pause button. All actions are on hold until the game on is heard. This includes moving, medicing, shooting, etc.